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A little while ago ago, Netflix joined the modern world and allowed you to start streaming titles offline. Pretty great, huh? This allows you to watch their original shows (or any shows and movies) when you don’t have internet.
Going on a plane trip? No biggie! You’re able to watch your shows where ever you go. The down side? You use data and space on your mobile device.
Not a bad deal, right?

How It Works
Streaming offline is a neat trick, but don’t be mistaken, Netflix was not the first to come out with this trick. They came out with this trick and when they did, fans were thrilled to be able to watch their favorite shows and movies where the internet didn’t necessarily reach them.
In case you weren’t aware, below you’ll find the thing you need to stream offline.
You’ll need:
- A mobile device with the latest operating system
- A computer with the latest operating system
- An internet connection (Yes, you need internet first soe you can stream offline later–The irony!)
- An active Netflix account
- The latest version of the Netflix app compatible with your device or computer
The reason that you need internet for offline streaming? You actually have to download the content to the app before you can watch it offline later. Having an internet connection to download the movies or shows for the offline viewing is probably one of the most important steps. So don’t skip it!
Below are example of how to download shows on an Apple iPhone:
Step One
Step one, after you’ve logged into Netflix on your device, you’ll “click” the three lines (I like to think of them as boring bacon) in the upper left hand corner.
Step Two
Scan the menu until you find the “Available for Download” and click it. This will take you to the list of titles available to you to download and watch offline. You may also search shows and see if they are available for download.
Step Three
Find the show or movie that you wish to watch and click the down arrow to start the download process. If you get an error message, it will give you a reason as to why your show or movie cannot be downloaded. If it does not, contact Netflix with this issue.
Step Four
Once the title you have chosen has been downloaded, you’ll see a little phone with a checkmark. Click it!
Step Five
You will get this menu option. You can choose to delete the download if you’ve already watched it and wish to have more room to download other things (just keep in mind, you can only download titles four or five times before you can’t download them anymore for at least a year.) or you can push PLAY!
NOTE: You can also find out what other devices are able to be used here.
Step Six
Enjoy the title that you’ve chosen. You can watch offline, anytime you want.
Watch Outit
Overages and data charges apply when it comes to downloading the movies. It’s best to turn your phone on airplane mode if you are out of the country if you want to watch without fear of overages or data charges. Tip: Determine the length of your trip, calculate the amount of time you’ll want or need entertainment and download shows and movies for the time before you go so you aren’t stuck without your favorite shows and movies.
What’s Available?
There are tons of shows available for download, but not all shows and movies are currently available. The reason being? Licensing. It would be awesome to have all the shows and movies available for offline viewing, but that isn’t Netflix’ fault.
At least you have some visual entertainment for your down moments, moments of travel, and times of desperation.
Offline watching is still available, but there are some restrictions on it now. This may be for your benefit, who knows. Maybe there is only one show on there that you thoroughly enjoy and that’s the one that you want to watch alllllll the time when you go out, whatever the case may be, you may not be able to download it more than four or five times.
This feels like the end of the world, but it will be ok. Do you stream offline? If so, what are your favorite shows?