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If you have children, you know that the struggle on New Years Eve for parents is real. Making it all the way to midnight with overtired children is enough to send any parent over the edge. Luckily, Netflix has come up with a hilariously brilliant way to trick your kids into bed early.
Now, you can ring in the new year in peace.

Netflix New Years Eve Parenting Hack
Like a knight in shining armor, Netflix is saving the day (or night, as the case may be) with the New Years Eve parenting hack you have been waiting for. Thanks to these Netflix countdown videos for kids, you can convince them to go to bed early. How? By tricking them into thinking it’s already midnight. (Cue maniacal evil villain laugh.)
The countdown videos offered by Netflix include a clock that counts down to midnight … And it starts no matter what time you click play. This nifty parenting hack means you control bedtime on New Year’s Eve, not the clock.
Nine Countdown Videos for New Years Eve
Keeping your kids awake until midnight is something almost all parents dread about this late night holiday. But Netflix is coming to the rescue with these tricky videos. Here are nine countdown videos available on Netflix to get your kids into bed at a reasonable hour on New Year’s Eve so you can celebrate in peace or get a little extra sleep yourself.
- Trollhunters
- All Hail King Julien
- Skylanders Academy
- Puffin Rock
- Word Party
- Beat Bugs
- Pororo
- Larva
- True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Parents can find the videos on Netflix by simply searching for “countdown.” . All nine countdown videos will be available until January 31. But thanks to Netflix you can now get your children to bed early on New Year’s Eve easier than ever before.
This is the fourth year that Netflix has offered these countdown videos to trick your kids into going to bed early on New Year’s Eve. According to Netflix research, most parents started the countdown videos at approximately 8 pm, which leaves plenty of time for some adult fun after the little ones are sound asleep in their beds.
New Years Eve Parenting Win
New Year’s Eve is a time to celebrate, but nobody wants to start the new year off with cranky kids who are losing their ever-loving minds because they are too tired to think straight. Save your sanity this year without putting a damper on your kids’ New Year’s Eve party by using these Netflix countdown videos to get their little butts in bed early.
Then kick back with a glass of champagne to ring in the new year without tears or temper tantrums from your little darlings.
This is the kind of thing that makes you want to fall down on your knees and thank your lucky stars for modern technology. On behalf of parents everywhere, let us all send a huge thank you to Netflix for saving us from exhausted children on New Year’s Eve.